My name is James Jeffries, I have a wife and two children and live in a small town in Ohio. I've been involved in Game Development since 1999 and earned my B.Sc. in Game Art and Design in 2011. Due to life events I've never managed to make games a profession but I've been involved in numerous Indie projects including Biyu Biyu Rocket and Time Ramesside as Environment Artist and Prop Artist respectively. I tend to keep a low profile in the gaming community, but have been emerging more lately in an attempt to turn my hobby into a means of supporting my mom who had a severe stroke in August. In the near future I'm planning to begin creating content, assets and software for game developers, as well as creating tutorials and training content to share the knowledge I've gathered over the years.
My Website: Pixonix/TechTinker Website
Patreon: Tech Tinker Patreon
GoFundMe: Fundraiser to support my Mom